The Czech Language
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If you have a word and some of the letters can change places yielding another existing word you arrive at the so-called anagrams. There are plenty of them in Czech. The procedure of reshuffling letters in a word or words in a sentence was once considered to reveal some important concealed information or message about a man or an object denoted by the original word or sentence. All the more so, if the anagram bears some real resemblance with its original. As an instance, you can play with your own Christian name and/or surname as did one of the most famous Czech writers Karel Čapek who was a genuine master in the realm of language. Try to be as ingenious as he was when he created the following anagram out of his own first name and surname:

Karel Čapek -> KakaČ perel

When he made this anagram public some praised him for his ingeniousness and inventiveness and some reproached him with his being too boastful!

Renata Blatná, Vladimír Petkevič, ©2001

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